Improve Customer Experiences with Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence is no longer science fiction.

More and more dealerships are using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to provide a hyper-personalized, exceptional customer experience. 

This webinar will demonstrate how your dealership can use AI to improve customer service as well as help your staff work smarter and be more strategic when assisting customers. You’ll also discover that AI can be used at your dealership, without the high costs that were previously associated with the technology.

Topics for discussion:

  • How using AI will increase CSI & profits

  • Guiding customer conversations with AI

  • AI vs. Human Interaction

  • Resolving customer concerns quickly and seamlessly with AI

  • Making Customer information immediately accessible

  • How AI can free up staff to attend to more significant customer issues


  • Ed Cunningham
    Plan B Technology

  • Jack Behar
    Interactive Tel


  • Susan J. Bieber, Esq.
    Vice President- Dealer Services